Rest in Peace by Willow Rose

Rest in Peace by Willow Rose

Lies and secrets pile up in this chilling next installment of Willow Rose’s bestselling series about FBI profiler Eva Rae Thomas.

Rest in Peace by Willow Rose

Rest in Peace

An Eva Rae Thomas Mystery #15

by Willow Rose

Genre: Suspense, Thriller, Mystery

About the book - Rest in Peace by Willow Rose

Sarah Chapman is angry at her husband. She’s also drunk… very drunk as she drives down their street, ready to face him.

When a neighbor hears the commotion and rushes to help, he finds her inside, gun still in her hand, and her husband, Steven, dead in the bed.

Sarah is arrested and taken away but claims to be innocent.

The only one who believes her is FBI profiler, Eva Rae Thomas.
She knows Sarah personally, and as she looks at the evidence in the case, she is convinced that Sarah is telling the truth, even though she was highly intoxicated when the event occurred.

But the detective on the case is determined to have her convicted for the murder.

As more bodies turn up, only Eva Rae Thomas sees the connections and soon starts a race against time to prove Sarah is innocent and to catch the real murderer before it’s too late and her own family is targeted.

Lies and secrets pile up in this chilling next installment of Willow Rose’s bestselling series about FBI profiler Eva Rae Thomas.

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About the Author - Willow Rose
Author Willow Rose

Willow Rose is a multi-million-copy best-selling Author and an ALL-star Author of more than 90 novels.

She has sold more than six million books that are translated into many languages.

Willow’s books are fast-paced, nail-biting pageturners with twists you won’t see coming.

That’s why her fans call her The Queen of Plot Twists.

Willow lives on Florida’s Space Coast with her kids, two cats and her Goldendoodle. When she is not writing or reading, you will find her surfing and watching the dolphins play in the waves of the Atlantic Ocean.

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Silver Dagger Book Tours

From the Editor

Thank you to the Silver Dagger Book Tours for their Contribution to our online Magazine Today! We will be participating in a number of their book tours over the coming months. We would encourage any North Florida Writers who would like to Guest Post on this site or be a featured author on the North Florida Writers Tour website then please get in touch using our CONTACT US form.

Gwen MacFadden

I am a single mom of 4 grown children and a couple of grandkids all born and raised in Jacksonville, Florida. I am a published author of both fiction and non-fiction books and learning more every day with the blogs that I have created and post articles for my readers and fellow writers enjoyment.

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