
Welcome to Webs and Blogs for Writers
Welcome to the new Webs and Blogs for Writers Online Magazine. Even though the site has been around for years I have decided to gear all the content around a digital online magazine style focused on Indie authors, their resources and tips about writing, marketing, funding and more. Each week we will be adding new content to the site so please keep checking back. For now, all information is available for free. Use of any articles must be credited back to the site and the original author.

If you would like to contribute an article or book review about any self-published book then please use the SUBMISSION FORM and get in touch. All articles will be posted and must be about the business of writing or the craft of writing. Each author will be given a writing credit after publication and ALL articles become the property of the magazine.

Any questions about our content or policies please use the CONTACT form. Helpful suggestions and comments are always appreciated. Any spam or hateful comments will be immediately deleted. Please keep everything rated “G” for family audiences.