Audio Books Better Profit For Authors

Are you an indie author looking to captivate a wider audience and expand your literary reach? Have you considered diving into the world of audio books but are unsure where to start? Fear not, because in this blog post, we will explore the ins and outs of audio book narrating for indie published authors. From unraveling the benefits of having an audio book in your arsenal to understanding the narrating process and discovering valuable tips for finding the perfect narrator, we’ve got you covered. So sit back, relax, and let’s embark on this exciting journey together!

Imagine reaching readers who prefer to listen rather than read, expanding your audience beyond traditional book lovers. Audio books offer a new avenue for indie authors to showcase their work and connect with listeners on a deeper level. By converting your written words into spoken narratives, you can breathe life into your stories and create a more immersive experience for your audience.

Having an audio book opens up opportunities for increased visibility and discoverability in the competitive world of publishing. It allows you to tap into the growing market of audio book enthusiasts who are always on the lookout for fresh content. Furthermore, offering an audio version of your book can enhance accessibility for individuals with visual impairments or those who simply prefer auditory storytelling.

Incorporating audio books into your author toolkit not only diversifies your offerings but also positions you as a versatile creator in tune with modern trends. So why limit yourself to one format when you can explore new horizons and engage with audiences in exciting ways through the power of sound?

It’s time to take your writing to the next level and embrace the world of audio book narrating.

Author’s Checklist For Hiring a Book Narrator

The Narrator

Voice & Delivery:
Does their voice timbre and narration style suit your genre? (e.g., gritty for thrillers, soothing for romance)
Is their pronunciation clear and diction engaging?
Do they handle dialogue with distinct character voices?

Do they have experience narrating audiobooks in your genre?
Can they provide samples relevant to your book’s tone?

Technical Skills:
Do they have a professional recording studio setup?
Are they comfortable editing breaths, mouth noises, and background noise?

Costs & Procedures

Understand the narrator’s pricing structure (per finished hour [PFH] or per word).
Get a quote for your book’s estimated length.
Factor in potential revision fees if needed.

Rights & Royalties:
Discuss audiobook rights (exclusive vs. non-exclusive) and royalty splits (percentage of audiobook sales).

Production Process:
Clarify the narrator’s editing and mastering workflow.
Will they provide split chapters or a complete audiobook file?
Discuss communication channels and turnaround times.

Audiobook Publishing

Decide where you want to publish your audiobook (ACX by Amazon, Findaway Voices, etc.).
Research platform specific formatting and submission requirements.

Marketing & Promotion:
Discuss if the narrator offers audiobook marketing services (e.g., sample creation).

Bonus Tips

Listen to Demos:
Request demos showcasing different genres and age groups.

Schedule a Consultation:
Discuss your book and vision with potential narrators to find a good fit.

Get References:
Ask for references from other authors the narrator has worked with.

Contract is Key:
Have a clear contract outlining all agreed-upon terms.

Remember: The narrator’s voice will be the voice of your book. Invest time in finding the right person to bring your story to life!

Book Narrator We Interviewed

Becky Parker Geist is the founder and CEO of Pro Audio Voices Inc., a Portland based company serving clients internationally with audiobook production and marketing, including complex and unusual projects that may involve multiple voices and/or music and/or sound effects.

Becky’s Author Website:
Becky’s Audio Book Narrating Services:

From the Editor

We want encourage any North Florida Writers who would like to Guest Post on this site or be a featured author on the North Florida Writers Tour website then please get in touch using our CONTACT US form. You can also use the form to recommend your own book narrators or your narration services.

Gwen MacFadden

I am a single mom of 4 grown children and a couple of grandkids all born and raised in Jacksonville, Florida. I am a published author of both fiction and non-fiction books and learning more every day with the blogs that I have created and post articles for my readers and fellow writers enjoyment.

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