Betsy S. Lee & K. Ross Lee lives and works in the St. Augustine, Florida Area. They have lived in New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania but settled in Florida for now. Betsy S. Lee started to write in 2003 as an escape from the harsh realities she was experiencing. A few years later OFF THE TRACK (life through the eyes of a greyhound) was born. The book received the prestigious Royal Palm Literary Award (First Place).
Update from the Author
NE FLA Writers Our page needs to be updated. The title of Andrew Ranson, Friend or Foe has been changed and published as Andrew Ranson: St Augustine’s Pirate; this book received a medallion in 2014 The Royal Palm Literary Award Competition. The Relic: Jerusalm to St Augustine Fl.
, by Betsy S. Lee & K. Ross Lee is a greatly enlarged and an enhanced story covering a similar time to the Seven Red Knots. The Relic: Jerusalem to St. Augustine has received the first prize as an unpublished novella from 2017 prestigious The Royal Palm Literary Award Completion, and its publication was released May 2018. It can be purchased at, ordered at bookstores after July 4, 2018, or for a signed copy, contact us at,, or call 904-824-4025
List of Published Books
OFF THE TRACK (Children’s Fiction)
Off the Track Coloring & Activities Book (A companion book to the children’s story)
Off to Hollywood (Children’s Fiction)
Historic St. Augustine Activities Book
The Shrine Coloring Book
Let’s Color & Draw (Beginners Coloring and Drawing Book)
Fort Mose Activities Book, First Free Settlement in America
Seven Red Knots – Time Traveling Mystery Novel set in St. Augustine, Florida
Andrew Ranson: St Augustine’s Pirate (published 2014)
Website Address:
Genre: Historical Fiction, Mystery, Adventure, Time Travel, and Animal Stories.
Who or What Got You Started in Writing?
Betsy S. – an escape from the harsh realities of life and the encouragement of a mentor.
K. Ross Lee – Betsy nudged him because she knew he had talent.
What Do You Like Most About Writing?
Creating Worlds from Words.
What Inspires You As You Are Writing?
We live the characters’ lives as if they were our own.
What Do You Dislike Most About Writing?
It can be lonely.
Which Books Do You Read Most?
Ann Shaffer & Annie Barrows, Garth Stein, Pat Conway, Fannie Flagg.
What Do You Do To Relax?
Create book covers, business cards, Achievements Certificates, most anything that needs to be created and printed, Then sleep, sleep, sleep! Swimming, ride my trike when we had Greyhounds taking care of them, and my loving husband.
Do You Do A Lot Of Research For Your Stories?
Yes, the St. Augustine Historical Society and internet.
If published, what are you working on now?
Andrew Ranson, Friend or Foe (Historical) and An Anthology on Prejudice.
What is the one piece of advice you would give to upcoming writers?
Have a good vocabulary (and Bartlett’s Thesaurus) and get a good foundation in grammar. You should write about something you have a passion for, then READ, READ, READ!
Write your first draft without worrying about spelling and punctuation marks. Make your characters believable. SHOW feelings, thoughts, actions, etc. Each chapter MUST push the reader to the next and at the same time be able to stand alone.