Snowflake Christmas – The Elf by Vickey Wollan was release in November of this year. I was chosen by the author to be an ARC reader. I appreciate you confidence in my ability to get the review done but sadly I fell down on the job and am just now getting it done. But I look at it this way, she had her release rush and this will give it a boost for the holidays. To my fellow book lovers out there, if you are given the opportunity to be an arc reader please commit to typing up the review.

As with all of my fellow authors I do try to go a little bit beyond and spread the news far and wide about the books I actually get a chance to read. I do suggest that you start off with Type of your review and before you press post go ahead and tick off some of the boxes at the bottom. One of them is “Post to Blog” and the other is “Post to Twitter” Since I have both attached to my Goodreads accounts it is nice because they provide a widget (see below) that copies your review, the book cover and the ratings in a widget that you can post on your website. That gives me a review on Goodreads, a posting on twitter, a share of Facebook and now I have a ready made blog post done. So, all I have to do is create the video and post that to this post, my YouTube Channel, my Tiktok account and Instagram.

A Snowflake Christmas - The ElfA Snowflake Christmas – The Elf by Vickey Wollan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A Snowflake Christmas – The Elf is a new book written by my new good friend, Vickey Wollan. The story is exactly what she says it is: A Sweet, contemporary romance set in a small town in Montana. There are two confused people who are a little bit older than most romances so it might be considered a “Second Chance” romance as well. Which, I do like.

If you are looking for a quick and satisfying read this holiday season then I would hope you will give this story a try. Although, I am not that into the romance genre it is a well-written story and doesn’t drag, which I truly appreciate.

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For those who would like to have their book review get in touch using my CONTACT us form. I like to read mystery, sci-fi/fantasy and historical fiction. Do not really care for erotica or horror.