New Service Offered

3 min read

We are offering a new service for writers and small businesses within 50 miles of Columbia County Florida. If you need assistance with your current website, creating a free website, social media accounts, or book and product marketing tips using your website and social media pages we can help you. Everyone should have dedicated publicity and marketing specialists in your corner. With limited resources, it is difficult to hire a big publicity firm to help you with your book launch or getting more customers to use your services or products.

Even writers who have an established publisher will have to do the majority of the marketing for your books and new book launches. They may do a few things like set you up for a book tour and line up the places where you will be the featured author but you will have to do the bulk of the work. Learning these new skills is oftentimes a pain in the neck and can be somewhat overwhelming but we hope to help you get started and teach you some simple but effective techniques to get you started.

There are no guarantees for any of us to make money but if you are doing what you can as often as you can you really should be seeing better results. Marketing is a time-consuming process and should be done on a consistent basis. There is no requirement that it should cost you tons of money though. You can either pay for the services you want us to do up-front or schedule a training session or two and we can teach you how to do it yourself. Check out our Shop page for the services we provide or check out our new page with our Booking Calendar to schedule your sessions today.

We only meet new clients in public venues such as local libraries. Most of them allow patrons to use an office with electricity and Free WIFI services. So, no additional cost to either of us. We hope you take the time and read through our services and get in touch soon.


For published authors, we are sponsoring the “300 North Florida Writers Blog Tour” that begins on March 2, 2020. We are creating featured articles for one writer per day that includes a brief biography, listing of their published work, website, social media, and email information as well as simple question and answer sessions. Each of the posts will be preceded by a Promotional Video added to our YouTube Channel that the author can share on their website and share on all their social media pages. We are offering this service for FREE to introduce on Web Design and Other Marketing Services for writers and small businesses in North Florida.

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