We have been creating some book trailers for one of our local north Florida writers we first met at the Writers Ink Group Local Author Event in Mayo, Florida and invited to participate in the Support Local Author Event held at the Chiefland Farmers Flea Market this past month. Lacey Dancer (AKA Sydney Clary) has written quite a few romance novels over the last 30 years and is in the process of updating her out-of-print stories and self-publishing the titles through KDP-Amazon. After updating her website (https://laceydancer.com) she engaged our services to start creating book trailers as part of her marketing plans for all her books. A great benefit to that service is that we get to read the books to help create a more informative and enjoyable video. Then we add the videos to her YouTube Channel and paste that to her website. She can then past the Youtube link to her posts in all of her other social media pages. As a courtesy I will post reviews on Goodreads for each of the books I read.
Chase the Fire by Lacey Dancer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This is a great first book in the Live Oak Series. Still a little short in the page count but still has well-rounded – fleshed-out characters and a very engaging storyline. Also, I laughed out loud in certain places. Hope you will too. North Florida residents, say, Hello! to your next favorite author. Looking forward to the next one in the series.
Here are a couple of excerpts you might like. I know I did:
“I don’t want to physically turn myself into Miranda Major. I want to be Randi again. I like my freckles and my red hair. I want a damn cookie every now and then and not get on a stupid treadmill to work off the damn calories.”
“There was something about the town that was peaceful, something that invited you to sit for a moment and simply enjoy the cool shade beneath the towering, moss-draped oaks.”
“You lied, Randi. It took seven hours and I had to follow a truck with a bunch of cows. At least I think they were cows. Then some deer with a death wish jumped right in front of the car to cross a two-lane black strip of asphalt through a small-town alley.”