The Body at Back Beach by KJ Sweeney
The Body at Back Beach by KJ Sweeney. Helena has never dreamt of becoming an amateur detective. But when she…
Promoting Indie and Trad Published Authors with Book Promos and Writing Resource Articles
The Body at Back Beach by KJ Sweeney. Helena has never dreamt of becoming an amateur detective. But when she…
Death in the Orchard by MK Graff. Nurse Trudy Genova mixes her movie studio consulting work with her nose for…
In This Moment by Kelly Moran. This is the first book in the Heart of...
Remixed Fairy Tales by Diverse Voices Once Upon a Realm Remixed Fairy Tales by...
Dreams of Drowning by Patricia Averbach . A work of magical realism that moves between...
The Gate by Brandi Schonberg. The debut novel of the author in her The Immortal...
The Unbroken by Destiny Hawkins and is Book 3 in The Descendants Series. A gripping...
Update for the Book Faeries Don’t Lie by TF Burke with a brand new Giveaway...
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