30 Day Social Media Challenge Workshop for Authors

Committing to a 30 day posting schedule is major. Most authors can barely commit to writing every day let along do marketing. Below are suggestions that might help you get started. You DO NOT have to commit yourself to doing this every single day but if you can carve out some time to create these types of blogs posts, videos, and graphics and then schedule them out one a day, everyday you just may see an uptick in your website and social media engagement. You might want to mix these ideas up such as grabbing one from week 1, then post one from week 2 and so on.

30-Day Social Media Posting Calendar for Fiction Authors

Week 1: Author Spotlight

Day 1: Introduce yourself and your writing journey. Share a captivating photo or short video about your writing process.
Day 2: Share a favorite book cover you’ve designed (or hired someone to design). Discuss the inspiration behind it.
Day 3: Share a behind-the-scenes look at your writing space. What inspires you?
Day 4: Discuss your writing routine. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Day 5: Share a writing challenge you’ve overcome. What did you learn from it?
Day 6: Introduce a character from your book. Share an interesting fact about them.
Day 7: Host a Q&A session. Encourage followers to ask questions about your writing process, characters, or books.

Week 2: Book Promotion

Day 8: Share an excerpt from your book. Use a visually appealing graphic or short video.
Day 9: Discuss your book’s genre and target audience. Why did you choose this genre?
Day 10: Create a book trailer or short video highlighting key scenes.
Day 11: Share reviews from readers. Highlight positive feedback.
Day 12: Offer a sneak peek into your next book. Create anticipation.
Day 13: Discuss your inspiration for the book. Share a personal story related to the theme.
Day 14: Run a giveaway or contest related to your book.

Authors How to Brand you and Your Books

Week 3: Writing Tips and Tricks

Day 15: Share your top writing tip for beginners.
Day 16: Discuss the importance of world-building. Share examples from your book.
Day 17: Talk about character development. How do you create believable characters?
Day 18: Share your editing process. How do you revise your work?
Day 19: Discuss the importance of plot twists. Share a favorite plot twist from a book you’ve read.
Day 20: Talk about finding your writing voice. What makes your writing unique?
Day 21: Share tips on overcoming writer’s block.

Week 4: Author Engagement

Day 22: Share a favorite book quote and explain why it resonates with you.
Day 23: Discuss your publishing journey. What challenges did you face?
Day 24: Share a writing playlist. What music inspires you?
Day 25: Host a writing prompt challenge for your followers.
Day 26: Discuss the importance of building a writing community. How can authors support each other?
Day 27: Share a before-and-after photo of your book cover design process.
Day 28: Thank your readers for their support. Share a heartfelt message.

Bonus Week: Additional Ideas

Day 29: Collaborate with another author on a joint project or interview.
Day 30: Create a year-in-review post highlighting your accomplishments as an author.

This is just a starting point. Feel free to adapt and customize this calendar to fit your specific goals and audience. Use visuals, engaging captions, and relevant hashtags to increase your reach. Consider using a social media management tool to schedule posts in advance and track your performance.

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Note From the Editor

If you would like have you and your book featured on this website, please get in touch by visiting our Submissions Page. And if you are a North Florida published author we would love to feature you on our special – North Florida Writers Tours website. Of course, we have a online submission page – CLICK HERE for that as well. But if you would like help with creating your own videos, a website, understand social media for authors then please see the Services page of our Southern Dragon Publishing’s website.

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